Monday, January 11, 2010


For the past few weeks, Ive been busy looking at the snaps ive taken last year and trying to "Photoshop" them. Initially, I always thought of Photoshop as something to create "special" effects in your pictures, or you know trying to make movie poster like images with blending image etc.
I also thought that using photoshop to enhance or edit your snaps so that you shortcomings as a photographer are not highlighed is like cheating he people who admire your snaps. As in if photoshop is all you need for good snaps, then everyone would be a good photographer. So, I used photoshop to just convert my RAW files to jpeg and thats it. No editing whatsoever.
Recently, I realised that I can use photoshop for some "artistic" effects. I have seen grayscale images with maybe a rose in color and that effect is not real. I mean the viewer knows its not real and still it looks so appealing.I realised that photoshop can be used to enhance your images, to create a form of art which is much more than photography.So with this thought and photoshop in hand I dived into the loads of RAW images I had and have the following results.
I still beleive in the picture being original, so if you see motion blur in my pics, its not photoshop blur, its an actual motion blur :)


  1. These pictures are amazing. Its really unbelievable.
    What lens do you use?
    Great going, too inspirational!!!

  2. I have the following lense:
    Nikkor 18-55mm, NIkkor 55-200mm and a Nikkor 50m 1.4F

  3. awesome!sayu..gr8 goin r actually b'ful...n interesting..
